Wataaah Team

Jonas Winter

Kaddi Lehmann

Florian Murnig

Enrico Baistrocchi

Benjamin Hartmann

Philipp Martin

Staša Gejo

Jonas Winter
Mit 12 Jahren hat mich mein Bruder zum Klettern gebracht und seitdem bin ich dem Sport hoffnungslos verfallen.
Schon früh standen für mich die Reisen zu Klettergebieten im Mittelpunkt meiner Leidenschaft und so wendete ich mich nach meinem Abitur vom Wettkampfklettern ab und versuchte fortan so viel Zeit wie es nur geht am Fels zu verbringen.
Meine Lieblingsgebiete sind Fontainebleau mit seinen weltklasse Sandsteinbouldern, leckerem Käse und Bäckereien und das Tessin mit seinem erstklassikem Granit in den zahlreichen wilden Tälern.
Am meisten Motivation ziehe ich aus ästehtischen Routen und Boulder am Fels die mich durch interessante Felsstrukturen und Formen in ihren Bann ziehen.
Es ist für mich sehr beeindruckend wie die Kräfter der Natur diese Blöcke genauso formten, dass sie für uns Menschen kletterbar sind.
Oftmals würde schon eine kleinste Veränderung einer Route, beispielsweise das Fehlen eines Trittes oder eine winzige Neigungsveränderung dazuführen, dass sie unkletterbar wären. Somit ist es für mich selbstverständlich, den Fels mit nötigem Respekt zu behandeln, und durch Bürsten und rücksichtsvollem Verhalten am Fels diese „Wunder der Natur‟ für kommende Generationen zu erhalten.
Für mich gibt es nichts besseres im Leben als ohne unnötigen Luxus mit guten Freunden im Bus unterwegs zu sein und sich gegenseitig in Projekten zu supporten.
Tokyo Powder Favourites
- Black
- Boost

Kaddi Lehmann
I’m Kaddi Lehmann and climbing is my passion. As a 16-year-old I was very successful in national climbing competitions in bouldering and lead. Since I discovered rock climbing on a long trip to Australia, New Zealand and Thailand after school, it has become an integral part of my life. I try to push my own limit in climbing, I like to challenge myself and I really like solving bouldering puzzles especially in Fontainebleau – my favourite climbing school.
The ascent of Kryptos (8C), my hardest boulder so far, was a really cool experience and I learned a lot from it. I love to look for new routes or boulders and try to do them.
I studied sports science and sports therapy MA, work together with the trainers of the German national climbing team, write annual training plans for competitive climbers in bouldering, speed and lead, and give personal training @climbyourbest.
For more than 13 years I have been organizing climbing competitions and setting routes or boulders for events such as Adidas Rockstars, the Swiss bouldering championship or climbing and bouldering fun cups.
My favourite products from Wataaah:
- Candice, Kiara, Cyntia, Fiberglass Volumes (are very cool for setting competition boulders but also for the normal fun boulders in gyms)
- The wooden brushes (because I like to brush new boulders)
- Ronin Travellight for training (makes it possible everywhere)

Florian Murnig
Klettern ist seit über 20 Jahren ein fester Bestandteil meines Lebens, sei es im Beruf als Routensetzer oder in der Freizeit am Fels. Als Routensetzer wurde mein Hobby zur Leidenschaft und diese zum notwendigen Lebensinhalt. Über das ganze Jahr verteilt arbeite ich bei nationalen und internationalen Events wie Europa- und Weltcups bzw. Europa- und Weltmeisterschaften. Ich bin seit 2011 IFSC Routenbauer, seit 2015 nationaler Trainer, Mentalcoach und beim österreichischen Alpenverein Ausbildungsleiter im Routenbau.
Die Motivation zum Plastik kommt für mich trotzdem immer durch die Natur, das Reisen und natürlich dem Felsklettern. Der besondere Reiz liegt dabei für mich im Entdecken neuer Länder, Felsen und deren Linien.
My favorite products:
WATAAAH: Candice, DOJO Holds, Giselle
Tokyo Powder: RX, Boost, Black

Ambassadore und Distributor
Enrico Baistrocchi
100% Made in Italy. Enrico was born and raised in Milan and in 2015 I moved with his Family to the US, San Diego, CA.
The passion for Rock Climbing made him build his career as a competitive Athlete first, then as a Setter and a Coach immediately after.
Once he started climbing, he never stopped and I never forgot where everything started: the Rock. He’s still bushwacking around to find new lines, with unique rock or features, to brush, bolt and jump on.
Enrico Baistrocchi is a former IFSC World Cup Competitor, IFSC International Routesetter, FASI National Setter and Coach with a Bachelor in Sport Science (Coaching and Rehabilitation) who loves to share his passion and knowledge for Climbing through his Setting and Coaching.
Italian Espresso addicted, he’s full of energy at any hour of the day!

Benjamin Hartmann
Hello, I´m Benjamin Hartmann and I am a climber.
Routesetting, Training and coaching are something I´m very passionate about! Helping the athletes to develop and grow so they can show their full potential in stressfull situations is something I enjoy a lot.
I am very lucky that during the long time with the Japanese ClimbingTeam there were so many outstanding and memorable moments where athletes pushed their boundaries and evolved as a climber and as a person.
Climbing is so versatile! Mental, technical, physical… being able to work on each aspect is it what makes Training for climbing so diverting, no matter if your goal is to be good at comps or increase your level in Oudoor climbing!
Spending many summers in the beautiful Alps as a kid got me in contact with climbing at a very young age. Later I found my passion for Bouldering and Sportclimbing. At the moment I live in Erlangen with the Frankenjura close by and there the difference between bouldering and sportclimbing is sometimes not that big. Thats good for me as my endurance is not that good at the moment. 😊
Furthermore I love the creative aspect of climbing. Because of that I like solving climbing sequences but also I enjoy the creative process of shaping holds for WATAAAH, a climbing brand which I founded together with my brother Jonas.
Coaching: So many great moments…Worldchampionships are definetly always something special. But also if athletes have their breakthroughs and can stand the first time on the Top of the Podium…
Routesetting: I think that empathy is equally important in coaching and in routesetting. I really like to teach through my routesetting and give people the chance to become better climbers, no matter what level. Therefore I enjoy setting for Competitions and Trainingcamps, but also for commercial gyms.
Climbing: I could already climb Boulders up t0 8A+ and Routes up to 8b/b+, but some of the most memorable ascents were the ones which took me long time to finish. For example Minirock (8A) where I once injured myself while trying it and then it took me several years until I could commit again and finally send it.
My favorite products:
WATAAAH: Ronin Travellight, DOJO Holds, Big Brushy deluxe
Tokyo Powder: RX, Boost, Black

Philipp Martin
Ich bin Philipp Martin und seit 2018 Teil des Deutschen National Teams und gehe international sowohl in der Disziplin Bouldern als auch Lead an den Start.
Ich habe mich mit 21 erst sehr spät für den Wettkampfsport entschieden. Mein großes Ziel ist Olympia 2024 in Paris.
Seit 2018 bin ich auch beim Spitzensport der Bayerischen Polizei und genieße die Förderung mit der ich mich voll und ganz auf meine sportlichen Ziele konzentrieren kann.
Am Fels sieht man mich eher seltener. Ich habe aber auch schon schwere Felsboulder und Routen abhaken können.
Memorable moments:
2020 Winner of the German Bouldering Championships
2019 3rd Place World Beach Games in Doha

Ambassador and Athlete
Staša Gejo
I am Staša Gejo and I am a passionate and a very competitive climber. I have had most of my success in bouldering, due to my explosive and powerful body and character, but I also really enjoy getting caught in the familiar fatigue of long routes. I am addicted to competitions and proving myself, however I often climb outdoors to reset my inner beast and get it ready for the next competition.
Superfinal duel and victory on the ECH in Munich 2017
Win at the World Games 2017
Favourite Tokyo Powder products:
Speed, V3, Boost